Alex What a pleasure it was to meet the big man on Saturday. He’s retired now, after many post-football years running a pub with his family. Like many of us, he’s got less hair than he had in his twenties, and nowadays he has a couple of unobtrusive hearing aids, but he spoke with real enthusiasm about his football career and time at Plainmoor.
He sells himself short, downplaying his ability as a goalscoring defender. A born centre back, he was employed in Cyril Knowles’ promotion chasing team as a wing-back “before they were fashionable ”.More fool us when we made him an offer he could definitely refuse in the summer of 89. He sorted himself a 2 year deal at Exeter and helped them win the division, an old head in a young team of many talents.
His humbleness was typified when he got the call from a Netflix producer asking him to take part in their Crewe Alex Highlights Show (I think that’s what it was called?). He thought it was a wind-up, and it was only when Dave Thomas told him it was legit that he agreed to get involved: and he loved i t!As announced by Russell Musker on Saturday, Friday October 4th will give us a chance to raise money for Rowcroft. Paul wanted this to happen, to put something back for the love and care he received there.
It’s £25 for a meal and some fun and games in The Cove, overlooking the pitch which Paul graced for so long.
Mrs Byehorse is going to join me, and a fun evening awaits. The food promises to be banging too, if the new chef’s efforts on Saturday are anything to go by. You can get your ticket on the club website here: raiser